This page will give extra insight to what is against our rules by listing examples and explaining situations that have happened in the past. This does not mean there are more rules than the ones listed in-game. This page does not add to the list of rules, it just clarifies them.
Below each rule is a list of offences which fall under it. Just because something is not specified here does not mean it is allowed. Use common sense when interpreting these rules. If you are unsure, open a ticket on Discord and ask for clarification.
For details on our ban policy, account sharing with banned players and how we punish ban evasion, click here.
1. No lag machines or deliberate overuse of server resources.
- Designing regular mechanisms in a hugely inefficient manner with the intention to cause lag to the server.
- Any form of mechanism which automatically places water source blocks, such as as ocean makers.
Regarding accidental lag machines, if they are making enough of an impact to be clear to the admins you will be given a warning and a request to redesign the mechanism in a way which doesn’t cause as much lag. Punishments can be issued if this warning is ignored.
2. No use of exploits or duping.
- Using the debug chart or “pie-ray” to detect the presence of tile entities.
- Glitching your playermodel into geometry in a way which reveals cave systems or other structures.
- Using a resourcepack which can make lava transparent, as a way of locating ore and other materials.
- Breaking of permanent blocks such as bedrock or end portals.
- Reverse engineering the world seed(s) through bruteforce, structure generation or otherwise.
In general, if what you’re doing looks like x-ray or ESP, then we’ll treat it as such.
3. No use of hacked clients, external programs, disallowed client modifications or x-ray resourcepacks.’
- Using a world download, replay mod or other illegitimate means to ascertain the location of structures or blocks on the main server.
- Using any external autoclicker software. (See list of allowed mods for permitted in-game clickers, their use in PVP is NOT allowed)
- Using any client modification which is not explicitly listed below, regardless of whether or not you deem the features to be similar.
Allowed Client Modifications
This is the list of officially permitted client modifications that you will not be punished for using on the server. This is an exhaustive list of mods, the use of any other client modifications may be bannable. Make sure to check the list for additional comments on the mods. For example, a number of mods available on Badlion are banned.
However, we are happy to amend to this list if there is a client mod which you feel should be allowed. In this case, open a ticket on our Discord server and give us information on the mod and if it is deemed acceptable it will be added to the list.
Allowed Clients, Mod Loaders and Game Launchers
- Badlion Client (FreeLook, AutoText, Soup/Potion Counter and Schematica must be disabled)
- Fabric
- Forge
- Quilt
- MultiMC
- Modrinth
- Prism
Allowed Mods
- AdvancedChatCore
- AdvancedChatLog
- AdvancementInfo
- AmbientSounds 5
- Amecs
- Animatica
- Annotated DI (Forge)
- AntiGhost
- Appleskin
- Architectury API
- ASH - Another Simple HUD
- ASH2 - Another Sophisticated HUD
- AuthMe
- Auto Clicker Fabric (Not allowed for use in PvP combat)
- Auto HUD
- Axiom
- ‘Slight’ GUI Modifications
- Badlion Client (FreeLook, AutoText, Soup/Potion Counter and Schematica must be disabled)
- Bedrock Waters
- BerdinskiyBear’s Armor HUD
- Better Animations Collection
- Better Biome Blend
- Better Clouds
- Better Fps Render Distance
- Better Mount HUD
- Better Ping Display
- Better Ping Display Fabric
- Better Sprinting
- Better Stats
- BetterF3
- BetterHurtCam
- Blockmeterfabric
- Blur+
- Bobby
- Bookshelf
- Boosted Brightness
- Borderless Mining
- BoxLib
- Canvas Renderer
- Capes
- Carpet mod
- Carpet TIS Addition
- Charmonium
- Chat Heads
- Chat Notify
- Chat Sounds
- ChatHighlighter
- ChatShot
- Chime
- Chunk Copy
- ChunkBorders
- Chunks Fade In
- CIT Resewn
- Clean F3
- Clear Hitboxes
- Clear Skies
- CList
- Cloaksplus
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- Color Me Outlines
- Colormatic
- CompleteConfig
- Configurable Boss Bars
- Continuity
- Controlling
- Coordinate Calculator
- Coordinates Display
- Craftify
- CraftPresence
- CreativeCore
- Crosshair Tweaks
- Cubes Without Borders
- Cull Leaves
- Cull Less Leaves
- Cull Particles
- Cupboard
- Custom Entity Models CEM
- Custom Splash Screen
- Custom Totem Particles
- CustomHud
- Dark Loading Screen
- Debugify
- Detail Armor Bar
- Disconnect Packet Fix
- Distant Horizons
- Don’t Untoggle Sprint
- Don’t Clear Chat History
- Durability Notifier
- Durability101
- Dynamic FPS
- Dynamic Music Updated
- Eating Animation
- Effective
- Emoji Type
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Enhanced Attack Indicator
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Entity Culling
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- ExtraPlayerRender
- Fabric API
- Fabric Capes
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric Skyboxes
- Fabric Skyboxes Interop
- Fabrishot
- Fadeless
- Falling Leaves
- Falling Leaves Forge
- FancyMenu
- Farsight
- Farsight Fabric
- FastOpenLinksAndFolders
- FastQuit
- Ferritecore
- Fireplace Lib (Fabric/Quilt)
- Fireplace Lib (Forge)
- First Person Model
- Fishing Ruler
- FlightHUD
- Folders!
- Force Close Loading Screen
- Forge
- Forge Config API Port
- FPS Display
- FPS Reducer
- FractionalGui
- Full Brightness Toggle
- Fullscreen Borderless
- Gamma Utils
- Ghost Totem
- Grid
- GUI Scale
- HaloHUD
- Held Item Info
- Hold That Chunk
- Hydrogen
- Iceberg
- Illuminations
- Immediately Fast
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Indium
- Infinite Music
- Inspecio
- Inventory Spam
- Iris Shaders
- Item Model Fix
- ItemPhysic Lite
- JsonEM
- Konkrete Fabric
- Krypton
- lambdabettergrass
- LambDynamicLights
- Language Reload
- LazyDFU
- Legendary Tooltips
- Light Overlay
- Litematica (No EasyPlace or Placement Restriction)
- Lithium
- Load My Resources
- LogicalZoom
- Low Fire
- Main Menu Credits
- Malilib
- Map Tooltip
- Memory Leak Fix
- Midnight Controls
- MidnightLib
- minecraft-world-downloader
- Mixin Conflict Helper
- MixinTrace
- Model Gap Fix
- Modmenu
- More Block Predicates
- More Chat History
- More Culling
- More Mcmeta
- Motion Blur Fabric
- Mouse Tweaks
- MultiMC
- Music Delay Reducer
- My Totem Doll
- MyBrightness
- NameTagPing
- Nicknamer
- No Chat Reports
- No Death Animation
- No Fade
- No More Useless Keys
- No Screen Bobbing
- No Telemetry
- NoMenuBlur
- Not Enough Crashes
- NoTextureRotations
- Notifmod
- Nvidium
- Ok Zoomer
- Optifabric
- Optifine
- OptiGUI
- PaperDoll
- Particle Rain
- Particular
- Phosphor
- Physics Mod
- Pick Up Notifier
- PlacementPreview
- Potions Re-Glint
- Presence Footsteps
- Prism
- PurityHud allowed MiniHud Fork
- Puzzle
- Puzzles Lib
- Quilted Fabric API/Quilt Standard Libraries
- Raised Clouds
- Rebind Narrator
- Reese’s Sodium Options
- Remove Reloading Screen
- Replaymod
- ResolutionControl+
- Roughly Enough Items
- Satin API
- ScalableLux
- Screenshot to Clipboard
- Searchables
- Shulker Tooltip
- ShulkerBoxToolTip
- Simple Armour HUD
- Simple Block Overlay
- Simple Fog Control
- Simple Voice Chat (This mod wil not work on purity. It is included to make it easier for players who also play on other servers that do have it enabled.)
- Skin Layers 3D
- Small Totem Pop Mod
- Smooth Boot
- Smooth Swapping
- Sodium (Not for fog, use a different mod)
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Spell Checker
- Splash
- Spyglass Zoom
- stalpomaparthelper
- Starlight Fabric
- Starlight Forge
- Start The Music
- Status Effect Timer
- Stendhal
- TbscClick (Not allowed for use in PvP combat)
- TCDCommons
- Textbook
- Tilt Break (Old Damage Tilting)
- Time Changer
- Toggle Sprint Display
- ToolTipFix
- Totem Small pop
- uku’s Armor HUD
- Ukulib
- Universal Split Screen
- varied mob textures
- Vertical Hotbar
- Verticality
- Very Many Players
- Viewmodel Changer
- Visuality
- Vivecraft
- Wavey Capes
- Who am I?
- WhyMap
- WI Zoom
- WorldDownloader
- WorldEdit
- WorldEdit CUI
- WorldTools
- Wynntils
- Xaero Zoomout
- Xaero’s Minimap (Entity Radar and Cave Mode must be disabled)
- Xaero’s Minimap (Fair-play Edition)
- Xaero’s World Map (Fairplay edition of Xaero’s Minimap required)
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Your Options Shall Be Respected
- Zoomify