Network Update Februrary 2025

New Updates from Staff

To help increase player engagement in the community, we want to be more transparent about the work that goes on behind the scenes on Purity. This starts with reviving this blog site for more detailed updates on the server than will appear on Discord, including new semi-regular summary posts from me (penguin). These posts will let you know what is currently being worked on and what is planned for the future. I’ll still announce any significant changes on Discord, with a link to any associated posts here for more information. I’m also aiming to talk with players and staff more regularly about current issues to stay on top of what needs done.

Folia Update Status

The big news is about our update to Folia, which has obviously been delayed significantly since first being announced. We’re still in a similar situation to our previous post where plugin compatibility is the main barrier, however a few plugins that claimed to support Folia have been shown to have broken features in our testing. This means more time is needed to either fix or find replacements for these plugins. We’ve scaled back our custom plugin project so that any development time is focused on what is essential for server functionality on Folia.

Due to projects outside of Purity, I’ve had much less time than I expected to work on the update. At this time, the server is expected to update to Folia on or before April 15th.

The most significant parts of the project are:

  • New custom plugins (~30% completed)
  • Replacement plugin configuration (~50% completed)
  • Anticheat (Grim) configuration and fixes (~10%)
  • Fixing existing plugins (0%)

Player Suggestions

We’ve started collecting and officially accepting player requests from players. Once a suggestion is accepted, it’s added to an internal list to which is then ordered based on priority and ease of implementation. While work on these suggestions may not begin immediately, we’ll keep track of them until I have the time to implement them. In the case of large changes, their progress will be published in these updates.

See current suggestions in this Discord channel.
Before submitting your own suggestion, search both the suggestions channel and this channel to make sure it hasn’t been answered yet.

Tasks in Progress


  • Custom plugin development
  • Configure and test Folia (e.g. new view distance, mob caps etc)
  • Configure Grim (may be combined with some checks from NoCheatPlus if necessary)

Purity PVP

  • Modify Arena plugin to reset arenas more frequently than server restarts.

Todo List


  • Fix and repladce broken plugins (ChatManager, Grim, Vanish, PlaceholderAPI)
  • Update Folia server for public testing

Discord Server

  • Create media channel for Purity content creators to post new uploads etc
  • Add dedicated FAQ channel for server configuration info (likely automated with simple bot)

Purity PVP

  • Update to 1.21
  • Add elytra and rockets
  • Expand FFA arenas below current bedrock
  • Finish drop map below spawn

Purity Creative

  • Museum of historic bases
  • Build battles
  • New donor perks